Figure 2 illustrates the cilia organizations in assorted musculoskeletal tissues, including bone, cartilage, tendon, muscle, ligament, tendon-to-bone insertion, meniscus and IVD. These altered anisotropic structures and coarse architectures cannot be recapitulated by scaffolds bogus appliance accepted methods. By contrast, electrospinning can be acclimated to accomplish nanofiber assemblies for artful the adapted cilia organizations in musculoskeletal tissues. Therefore, electrospun nanofiber scaffolds are able of artful the structural alignment of musculoskeletal tissues. As mentioned above, nanofibers could additionally epitomize the compositions of musculoskeletal tissues. In the afterward sections, we mainly allegorize notable examples of the contempo advances in nanofiber scaffolds for appliance in orthopedic tissue adjustment and regeneration.
Figure 2.
The actualization of collagen nanofiber organizations in altered musculoskeletal tissues.Collagen nanofibers are uniaxially accumbent and bouncing in bond and bond tissues. Collagen fibers accept graded organizations (from uniaxially accumbent to random) at tendon-to-bone admittance sites and are circumferentially accumbent in meniscus and annulus fibrosus. Cartilage contains accomplished collagen fibers abiding in layered arrays.
Bone is a dynamic, awful vascularized tissue and its ECM has two aloft components: an asleep actualization (constituted by hydroxylapatite) that contributes with 65–70% of cartilage weight; and an amoebic actualization (composed of glycoproteins, proteoglycans, sialoproteins and cartilage ‘gla’ proteins) that comprises the actual 25–30% of the absolute cartilage weight.[76] Collagen fibers overlap adjoining fibers and hydroxyapatite crystals are abiding in layers aural anniversary fiber, akin overlapping bricks. Therefore, the architectonics of nanofiber scaffolds for cartilage tissue about-face is about based on the afterward criteria: awful absorptive (easy for vascularization); accumulation hydroxyapatite or collagen (mimicking ECM apparatus and automated function); and accumulation advance factors (signaling molecules). Electrospun nanofibers are usually deposited on a conductive beneficiary to anatomy a random, absorptive cilia mat. Furthermore, the porosity can be added appliance a array of approaches.[77,78] Assimilation of hydroxylapatite into nanofiber scaffolds can be readily accomplished by encapsulation or postsurface coating. Collagen itself can be electrospun into nanofibers. In addition, collagen can be attenuated with added polymers and electrospun to anatomy admixture fibers. Furthermore, advance factors can be encapsulated central nanofibers or adsorbed assimilate the apparent of nanofibers. Owing to these arresting properties, electrospun nanofiber scaffolds accept been advised for cartilage about-face both in vitro and in vivo.
Nanofiber scaffolds accept been apparent to abutment osteogenic adverse of antecedent beef and arbor beef in vitro.[79–82] A cardinal of studies advised the achievement of nanofiber scaffolds with altered combinations (i.e., accumulation hydroxyapatite, and accumulation collagen and signaling atom commitment systems) for acclimation cartilage defects in vivo.[83–85] Rainer et al. developed a hydroxyapatite-functionalized PLLA nanofiber scaffold, with the aim to epitomize the built-in histoarchitecture and ECM basic of sternal cartilage tissue.[86] Such a arch was activated in a aerial archetypal of average sternotomy. Computed tomography (CT) aftereffect accepted complete healing in the scaffold-treated accumulation 1 anniversary afore the control. Histological assay adumbrated the accumulation of new cartilage trabeculae amid built-in nanofibers accepting a college bulk of ability compared with the basic ascendancy group. In a abstracted study, Kolambkar et al. developed a arch in aggregate with an osteogenic signaling atom commitment arrangement that consisted of a perforated electrospun PCL nanofiber tube and peptide-modified alginate hydrogel injected central the tube for the abiding absolution of advance factors (rhBMP-2).[87] This arch was activated to adjustment a alarmingly sized, femoral segmental birthmark in rats. Figure 3A shows that mutual 8-mm segmental defects were created in the mid-femoral diaphysis of rats. Prior to birthmark creation, the femora were counterbalanced by modular fixation plates consisting of a polysulfone bowl and two stainless animate plates. Nanofiber tubes were placed about the adjoining cartilage ends, such that the tube lumen independent the birthmark and there was an overlap of 2.5 mm with the built-in cartilage ends at anniversary end of the tube. The tube lumen was abounding with 125-µl pregelled 2% alginate gel with 5-µg rhBMP-2. Quantitative assessments of cartilage about-face were provided by longitudinal 2D radiographs (Figure 3B & C), 3D in vivo µ-CT imaging (Figure 3D & E), torsional testing and histological assay (Figure 3F). The after-effects adumbrated that this atypical arch resulted in constant awkward bridging of the arduous cartilage defects aural 12 weeks. Compared with the complete bone, the biomechanical backdrop of the repaired cartilage had statistically agnate best torque and acerbity at anniversary 12. In vivo µCT scanning arise the attendance of perforations in arch accelerated aboriginal cartilage accumulation and birthmark bridging. In accession study, Fu et al. acclimated a blended nanofiber arch with assimilation of hydroxyapatite and abiding absolution of BMP-2 to adjustment tibia cartilage defects in mice, demonstrating that the bioactivity of BMP-2 arise from the scaffolds was able-bodied maintained, which improves new cartilage accumulation and the healing of segmental defects.[88] However, these scaffolds could not absolutely imitate the built-in anatomy and compositions of cartilage ECM. Accustomed cartilage action is based on the hierarchical anatomy at its assorted breadth scales. Therefore, the nanofiber arch advised for cartilage tissue about-face should epitomize the built-in anatomy and agreement of cartilage ECM to a greater extent.
Figure 3.
Electrospun nanofiber scaffolds for cartilage regeneration.(A) Article of a perforated poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofiber cobweb tube abounding with a peptide-modified alginate hydrogel absolute rhBMP-2 for acclimation a segmental birthmark (8 mm) in the mid-femoral diaphysis of a rat. Modular fixation plates are acclimated to balance the femur. Representative radiographs advertence the birthmark apparent a able-bodied mineraliztion at (B) anniversary 4, while the birthmark was bridged with densely arranged cartilage at (C) anniversary 12. (D & E) Microcomputed tomography assay of cartilage about-face at 4 and 12 weeks advertence that the birthmark was abounding with anew formed bone. (F) Ground area decrepit with Sanderson’s accelerated cartilage stain at 12 weeks (four-times) advertence the accident of all-encompassing cartilage degradation throughout the birthmark and acceptable affiliation amid the anew formed cartilage and the built-in bone.
Tendons abide of bendable and coarse affiliation tissue that is composed of densely arranged collagen cilia bundles accumbent alongside to the longitudinal bond arbor and amidst by a bond sheath, additionally consisting of ECM components.[89] Bond tissue has a crimped, waveform actualization beneath diminutive observation. Collagen blazon I constitutes about 60% of the dry accumulation of the tendon. Owing to the affluence of authoritative alignment and orders, electrospun nanofiber scaffolds accept been advised in acclimation and regenerating bond tissues. In vitro studies accept approved that bond fibroblasts can attach and breed on electrospun nanofiber scaffolds.[45] Bond fibroblasts apparent arbor actualization and continued assay on accumbent nanofiber scaffolds. Nanofiber scaffolds may accommodate the requisite automated backdrop that may abbreviate the accident of rerupture associated with the movement of the bond gap birthmark afterward surgical repair. Recently, several studies accept been agitated out to assay the achievement of nanofiber scaffolds for bond adjustment and about-face appliance altered beastly models.[90,91]
Elements of adorning anesthetic consisting of scaffolds, beef and signaling molecules accept been accumulated for bond abrasion adjustment and regeneration. Manning et al. developed PDGF-BB and ASC-loaded nanofiber scaffolds, and activated their achievement in acclimation bond defects appliance a basset model.[90] Figure 4A shows the layered scaffolds that consisted of 11 alternating layers of accumbent electrospun PLGA nanofiber mats and a fibrin/heparin-binding commitment arrangement (HBDS). The HBDS allows for the commitment of beef and advance factors in a controlled manner, while the PLGA courage provides a anatomy that mimics collagen nanofibrillars and alignment in bond tissues, and accompanying enhances the surgical administration backdrop of the scaffold. Abiding commitment of PDGF-BB was accomplished by the HBDS/nanofiber scaffold. The scaffolds were built-in into the acutely transected intrasynovial flexor tendons of developed mongrel dogs. Figure 4B shows the arch was grasped by a bulk anatomy and anchored aural the adjustment site. The dogs were sacrificed at 3 or 9 canicule postoperatively. The operated tendons were removed by anatomization and able for histologic assay at 9 days. Hematoxylin and eosin staining showed no accessible anarchic acknowledgment afterwards article of the arch for 9 canicule (Figure 4C & D). Alone a baby cardinal of allowed beef infiltrated the scaffold. Histologic studies showed that the HBDS/nanofiber scaffolds were able-bodied acceptable and commitment of ASCs was auspiciously accomplished in the in vivo flexor bond adjustment setting. In a abstracted study, James et al. developed a accumulated assay of an Achilles bond gap with tubular electrospun nanofiber scaffolds, ASC agriculture and GDF-5 apathy in rats.[91] However, the blockage of adherence afterwards adjustment was not advised in these studies.
Figure 4.
A layer-by-layer arch composed of poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) nanofibers and a heparin/fibrin-based commitment arrangement absolute advance agency PDGF-BB forth with adipose-derived mesenchymal arbor beef for flexor bond about-face in dogs.(A) The layer-by-layer anatomy of scaffolds. (B) The arch was grasped by a bulk abutment and anchored aural the adjustment site. Inset shows that the arch was anchored aural the adjustment site. (C) Hematoxylin and eosin staining assuming no accessible anarchic acknowledgment to the article of the arch 9 canicule postoperatively. (D) Magnified arena in (C) assuming alone a baby cardinal of allowed beef infiltrated the arch (arrows).HBDS: Heparin/fibrin-based commitment system; PLGA: Poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide).Reproduced with permission from [90].
Prevention of bond adherence and rerupture afterwards surgical adjustment to bond abrasion charcoal a analytic challenge. Ni et al. developed a combinatorial access by accumulation accepted abutment and the photobonded electrospun cottony nanofiber wrap, which can accommodate a stronger, adherence aggressive repair, to a bond abrasion in developed changeable New Zealand white rabbits.[92] Biological cues were additionally congenital into nanofiber scaffolds for blockage of bond adherence and accompanying advance of bond healing. Liu et al. invented a bilayer sheath membrane, consisting of hyaluronic acid-loaded PCL cilia membranes as the close band and PCL cilia membranes as the alien layer, for artful the bond sheath, and activated its achievement on preventing peritendinous adherence in a craven model.[93] It was begin that the alien PCL band is able to carbon the antiadhesive role of the alien fibrotic band to abate peritendinous adhesions, while the close hydroxyapatite-loaded PCL band can actor the biological action of hydroxyapatite beard to advance bond healing and gliding. Recently, the aforementioned accumulation encapsulated bFGF-loaded dextran nanoparticles in PLLA nanofiber membranes and advised their adequacy in bond healing and preventing adherence in macho Sprague–Dawley rats, demonstrating that such membranes can assure the bioactivity of bFGF in a abiding abode for the advance of bond healing and accompanying adherence prevention.[94]
However, the nanofiber scaffolds designs that are mentioned aloft bootless to epitomize the bouncing anatomy of collagen fibers in built-in bond afterwards loading. Although the wavy-structured nanofiber scaffolds were fabricated, such scaffolds accept not been advised for bond adjustment and about-face in vivo. Here, we highlight the studies on the artifact of wavy-structured nanofiber scaffolds. Surrao et al. bogus aligned, bouncing poly(l-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) fibers appliance a accepted electrospinning bureaucracy in affiliation with a alternating wire mandrel.[95] Figure 5A shows a scanning electron micrograph angel of nanofiber scaffolds announcement accumbent and crimpled assay that were calm with a arbor at a actual aerial alternating speed. The coiled anatomy could be preserved alike afterwards captivation in phosphate-buffered acrid for 4 weeks (Figure 5B). Masson’s trichrome staining shows bands of collagen fibers were formed aback scaffolds of accumbent and accidental nanofibers were acclimated in vivo at anniversary 6 (Figure 5C & D). Accumbent fibers were able of inducing the alignment of deposited collagen and bond ECM agnate to the built-in collagen fibrils. It was apparent that the accumbent nanofibers, with nano- to micro-meter-sized diameters, underwent crimping afterwards abatement from the mandrel. The consistent coiled fibers had agnate structural characteristics (amplitude and wavelength) to that of built-in collagen fibrils. In accession study, Liu et al. developed a simple and able adjustment to assemble aligned, bouncing ester-terminated PLGA and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) electrospun nanofibers by introducing an alien alluring acreage to the beneficiary region.[96] Therefore, approaching studies should be adherent to testing wavy-structured nanofiber scaffolds in beastly models for bond adjustment and regeneration.
Figure 5.
Fabrication of bouncing nanofibers for bond tissue regeneration.(A) Scanning electron micrograph angel assuming a arch bogus of accumbent but coiled nanofibers and calm with a arbor at a actual aerial circling speed. (B) The coiled anatomy could be preserved afterwards captivation in phosphate-buffered acrid for 4 weeks. (C & D) Masson’s trichrome staining assuming bands of collagen fibers formed afterwards scaffolds of accumbent and accidental nanofibers were built-in in vivo for 6 weeks. Accumbent fibers induced the accumulation of accumbent collagen fibers (arrow) agnate to the built-in collagen fibrils.Reproduced with permission from [72,95].
Articular cartilage is a blazon of affiliation tissue composed of chondrocytes and collagen or chicken adaptable fibers, area the fibers and the beef are anchored in a close gel-like matrix, affluent in mucopolysaccharides, announcement adaptability and elasticity.[97] The healing of afflicted cartilage is apathetic because cartilage has no claret argosy or lymphatics, and the cells’ nutrients broadcast through the matrix. Electrospun nanofibers accept apparent their abeyant for use in in vivo cartilage regeneration. Toyokawa et al. advised the accessible use of two types of electrospun PLGA nanofiber scaffolds, a solid annular blazon and a cannulated tubular type, for the assay of a full-thickness articular birthmark afterwards the accession of exogenous beef in a aerial model.[98] It was empiric that nanofiber scaffolds were absorbed, articular cartilage and subchondral cartilage were regenerated, and the regenerated cartilage remained present afterwards anaplasty for 24 weeks. The tubular scaffolds performed bigger in cartilage tissue about-face and had college assay array than solid ones and the ascendancy group, thus, acknowledging the abeyant of electrospun nanofiber scaffolds to adjustment the osteochondral birthmark afterwards able beef and advance factors.
However, nanofiber scaffolds bogus from the acceptable electrospinning action hindered corpuscle aggression due to low porosity. Therefore, there is an acute charge to advance a awful absorptive nanofiber arch that can calmly allure beef throughout the absolute arch and accommodate the all-important cues to activate new tissue development. Cobun et al. developed a low-density, electrospun nanofiber arch composed of PVA-methacrylate and a blended of PVA-methacrylate/chondroitin sulfate-methacrylate by authoritative use of an booze ablution as a collector, and consecutive UV ablaze crosslinking of the methacrylate groups.[74] The chondroitin sulfate that was added to the scaffolds, a admixture frequently begin in abounding collective supplements, can serve as a advance trigger. Afterwards 42 canicule of culturing dupe MSCs beneath chondrogenic consecration conditions, the scaffolds appeared as alone cartilage-like constructs, with a agleam actualization agnate to burnished cartilage. Beef proliferated able-bodied in the scaffolds and produced collagen with a aerial arrangement of blazon II:type I collagen. Then, cell-free scaffolds were built-in into damaged cartilage in the knees of rats. Nanofiber scaffolds had decidedly added proteoglycan degradation than abandoned defects but beneath than built-in cartilage (Figure 6A–C). After-effects of immunostaining for blazon II collagen showed that the scaffolds aggrandized autogenous articular cartilage about-face in an osteochondral birthmark archetypal (Figure 6D–F). The allegation in the repaired defects accommodate columnar corpuscle acclimatization beaming from cell-rich cavities with subchondral cartilage absolute abundant pockets of cellular cavities. Additionally, the aboriginal enactment of the multilayer architectonics of articular cartilage can be observed, including a acclivity of proteoglycan degradation accomplished abreast the subchondral bone, and beef aggressive erect and alongside to the cartilage apparent in the abysmal and apparent zone, respectively.
Figure 6.
Electrospun poly(vinyl alcohol)-methacrylate/chondroitin sulfate nanofiber scaffolds for cartilage repair.After article for 6 weeks in a rat osteochondral birthmark model, (A–C) safranin-O staining adumbrated that (A) the cilia implants answer cogent proteoglycan degradation compared with (B) the abrogating ascendancy (without treatment), while (C) built-in cartilage had the bigger bulk of proteoglycan deposition. (D–F) Immunohistochemical staining adumbrated that alike (D) chondroitin sulfate fibers induced college blazon II collagen assembly compared with (E) abandoned defects, but (F) built-in articular cartilage still independent decidedly added blazon II collagen.Reproduced with permission from [74].
Electrospun nanofiber scaffolds in aggregate with arbor beef or chondrocytes were additionally activated to change cartilage. Shafiee et al. built-in MSCs seeded with electrospun PVA/PCL nanofiber scaffolds into the full-thickness articular cartilage defects of rabbits.[99] Afterwards 12 weeks, defects were repaired with chondrocyte-like beef announcement angled assay with lacunae. In addition, collagen blazon II announcement added in the neocartilage. The agriculture of arbor beef bigger healing of defects, compared with the basic ascendancy and those that accustomed cell-free scaffolds. In a altered study, Xu et al. developed a five-layer tissue assemble of 1-mm array with alternating layers of aerial adaptable chondrocytes abeyant in a fibrin–collagen hydrogel and PCL nanofiber membrane, appliance a aggregate of electrospinning and ink-jet printing.[100] The bogus constructs formed cartilage-like tissues in vivo as approved by the position of blazon II collagen and glycosaminoglycans.
However, antecedent studies accept been bound to the assay of nanofiber scaffolds bogus of accidental nanofibers on articular cartilage regeneration. The anatomic anatomy of beastly cartilage is disconnected into four altered zones, which are termed the superficial, average (or transitional), abysmal (or radial) and caked zones, anniversary with capricious cast composition, morphology, and cellular, automated and metabolic properties.[101] The alignment of the collagen fibrils in the cartilage presents bristles features: alone fibrils aural the trabeculae accompany to anatomy baby cilia bundles that become aggregate into beyond bundles at the calcified/uncalcified interface; fibrils in the abysmal and average zones, which display the apparent aeon adapted of collagen, are about aggressive adjoin the articular apparent in ample bundles about 55 µm across; in the apparent zone, fibrils run alongside to the surface; the apparent fibrils accept accidental orientation; and the collagen fibrils of the lacunar walls arise to be thinner and added carefully arranged than those amid the lacunae.[102] Therefore, added adapted nanofiber scaffolds charge to be advised with assorted layers to epitomize altered cilia orientations and compositions in the altered zones of built-in cartilage.
The fibrocartilaginous menisci are load-bearing tissues composed of circumferentially accumbent collagen fibers, which are analytical to the accustomed action of the knee.[103] Failures in the action of the meniscus may action as a aftereffect of alarming abrasion or degenerative processes. Repaired tears in the vascular ambit alleviate well, while those in the avascular close arena abort to do so, and, thus, damaged elements are frequently resected via fractional meniscectomy. Abatement of tissue after-effects in college cartilage acquaintance stresses, which may activate patients to osteoarthritic progression.[104] Replacing damaged regions of the meniscus with an engineered tissue assemble may restore action and assure adjoin added deleterious changes in the joint.
Tissue engineering strategies based on electrospun nanofibers present a able accession that could acquiesce for about-face of meniscus tissues. However, no abstract has been appear on the use of electrospun nanofibers for menisci tissue about-face in vivo. Here, we advised contempo advances of in vitro studies on meniscus about-face appliance electrospun nanofiber scaffolds. Mauck’s accumulation agitated out a alternation of studies on this topic.[105–108] Their antecedent abstraction accepted that MSC seeded, accumbent PCL nanofiber scaffolds had abundant abeyant for meniscus tissue regeneration.[105] With accretion evolution time, a decidedly beyond access in automated backdrop was empiric for accumbent nanofiber scaffolds compared with accidental counterparts seeded with meniscal fibrochondrocytes or MSCs. Their consecutive abstraction begin that the appliance of activating culture, by incubating constructs on an alternate shaker, badly bigger the aggression of MSCs into accumbent nanofiber scaffolds.[106] Their added abstraction evaluated the furnishings of alteration cilia angle and sample aspect arrangement on the microburst backdrop of accumbent PCL scaffolds, and they bent how ECM deposited by citizen MSCs articulate the abstinent microburst response.[107] Encouraged by these results, the aforementioned accumulation auspiciously developed a atypical electrospinning adjustment to aftermath scaffolds composed of circumferentially accumbent nanofibers appliance a rotated bowl as a beneficiary that could actor the circumferentially accumbent collagen fibers in menisci ECM.[108] Figure 7A & B illustrates the meniscus, assuming the ambiguous anatomic macrostructure and a wedge-like cantankerous area announcement a simplified collagen cilia organization, with the majority of cilia bundles in the circumferential direction, with casual adorable ‘tie’ fibers. Figure 7C shows scanning electron micrograph images of altered locations of circumferentially accumbent nanofiber scaffolds. Fibers were locally aggressive in these scaffolds, but their acclimatization assorted appreciably according to their position. Figure 7D–F, shows beaming microscopy images of adolescent bovine MSCs seeded on circumferentially accumbent nanofiber scaffolds, with staining of actin in blooming and nuclei in blue. Adolescent bovine MSCs that were seeded on these scaffolds resulted in a agnate acclimatization to the administration of cilia alignment. Automated assay of these scaffolds arise cogent interactions amid arch breadth and region, with the compactness modulus abreast the angle of the scaffolds abbreviating with accretion arch length. These scaffolds, with spatially capricious bounded orientations and mechanics, will charge to be added activated in beastly models.
Figure 7.
Fabrication of circumferentially accumbent poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofiber scaffolds for knee meniscus tissue engineering.(A) Anatomic macrostructure of meniscus. (B) A wedge-like array announcement a simplified collagen cilia organization, with the majority of cilia bundles in the circumferential administration with casual adorable ‘tie’ fibers. (C) Scanning electron micrograph images assuming altered locations of samples for circumferentially accumbent scaffolds (scale bar: 5 µm). (D–F) Beaming microscopy images of actin (green) and nuclei (blue) in adolescent bovine mesenchymal arbor beef seeded on the altered portions of circumferentially accumbent scaffolds.Ant: Anterior; Lat: Lateral; Med: Medial; Post: Posterior.Reproduced with permission from [108].
This arch advised by Mauck’s accumulation can partially actor the anatomy of the meniscus by recapitulating its circumferentially accumbent collagen coarse architecture. However, the meniscus is a circuitous structural tissue, a bright white, circuitous wedge-shaped fibrocartilaginous tissue, comprised of cells, specialized ECM molecules, and region-specific action and vascularization. The ECM is generated and maintained by meniscal fibrochondrocytes, a amalgamate corpuscle citizenry sparsely broadcast throughout the tissue.[109] Thus, approaching architectonics of nanofiber scaffolds should be adherent to absolutely assuming the wedge-shaped, circumferentially accumbent collagen coarse architecture.
The IVD consists of three tissue components; a gel-like basis pulposus (NP) amidst by the annulus fibrosus (AF), which are sandwiched amid cartilage end plates and vertebral bodies, action as a bond to authority the abject of the aback together; a shock absorber; and a ‘pivot point’ that allows the aback to bend, circle and twist.[110] The AF is a collagen-rich coarse anatomy of about 15–25 concentric bedding of collagen (lamellae) that borders the pressurized NP. The lamellar anatomy of AF, which is composed of collagen blazon I and II fibers, helps to advance the compactness backdrop of the disc while accouterment structural abutment for proteoglycan synthesis. The AF has a multilayered, aggressive lamellar anatomy with concentric layers creating a approved arrangement of collagen blazon I fibers. The collagen fibrils are aggressive concentrically, with anniversary consecutive band aggressive 60° adjoin the analgesic column. As the alien AF moves entering and approaches the NP, the acclimatization of the concentric lamellae gradually changes from angles of 62 to 45°. A array of solid tissue engineering constructs accept been advised for IVD tissue regeneration. However, one aloft hurdle in the development of scaffolds for IVD tissue engineering is the disability to actor the lamellar alignment of the AF.[111]
In adjustment to abode this problem, Nerurkar et al. produced anisotropic nanofiber laminates seeded with MSCs appliance a layer-by-layer stacking strategy, which could actor the coarse architectonics of AF tissue to some degree.[112] Figure 8A shows the artifact of bilamellar-aligned PCL nanofiber scaffolds. In adjustment to carbon the hierarchical anatomy of the AF, bilamellar tissue constructs were formed aboriginal as distinct corpuscle tissues from accumbent nanofiber scaffolds seeded with MSCs, and again formed into bilayers afterwards 2 weeks of in vitro culture. Electrospun cilia mats, about 250 µm thick, can bout the accustomed lamellar array of the AF. Rectangular scaffolds (5 × 30 mm) were excised from the nanofiber mat with their continued arbor rotated 30° from the prevailing cilia direction. Bilayers were aggressive with either alongside ( 30°/ 30°) or opposing ( 30°/-30°) cilia alignment about to the continued arbor of the scaffold. Sections were calm askance beyond lamellae, decrepit with picrosirius red, and beheld beneath polarized ablaze microscopy to anticipate collagen organization. Aback beheld beneath beyond polarizers, birefringent acuteness indicates the administration of alignment. Afterwards 10 weeks of in vitro culture, alongside bilayers independent coaligned intralamellar collagen aural anniversary corpuscle (Figure 8B). Opposing bilayers independent intralamellar collagen accumbent forth two opposing admonition (Figure 8C), auspiciously replicating the gross cilia acclimatization of built-in bovine AF (Figure 8D). Afterwards an added 2 weeks of culture, the alien supports were removed and laminates remained intact. These scaffolds directed the degradation of organized, collagen-rich ECM that mimicked the angle-ply, multilamellar architecture, and accomplished automated adequation with the built-in tissue. Their added abstraction articular a atypical role for interlamellar shearing in reinforcing the compactness acknowledgment of biological laminates. In addition, the aforementioned accumulation additionally developed a architectonics algorithm in which electrospun nanofiber scaffolds are accompanying with a biocompatible hydrogel to architect a MSC-based disc replacement. Similarly, Nesti et al. seeded beastly MSCs into a atypical biomaterial admixture to advance a biphasic assemble that consisted of an electrospun nanofiber arch enveloping a hyaluronic acerbic hydrogel center, which could architecturally resemble a built-in IVD.[113] Such an engineered IVD was composed of both AF- and NP-like components, demonstrating the affinity of all-embracing gross, histological, biochemical and biosynthetic backdrop of a built-in IVD. Added than artful the architectonics of IVD, advance factors were additionally congenital to nanofiber scaffolds for AF adjustment and regeneration. Vadala et al. bogus a bioactive nanofiber arch that can absolution TGF-β1 for AF tissue engineering.[114] The abiding absolution of TGF-β1 from the nanofiber arch could decidedly enhance GAG and collagen admixture in the seeded AF cells.
Figure 8.
Fabrication of bilamellar-aligned poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofibrous arch for annulus fibrosus tissue engineering.Scaffolds were excised 30° from the prevailing cilia administration of electrospun nanofibrous mats to carbon the angled collagen acclimatization aural a distinct corpuscle of the annulus fibrosus. (A) Bilayers were aggressive with either alongside ( 30°/ 30°) or opposing ( 30°/-30°) cilia alignment about to the continued arbor of the scaffold. Sections were calm askance beyond lamellae, decrepit with picrosirius red and beheld beneath polarized ablaze microscopy to anticipate collagen organization. Aback beheld beneath beyond polarizers, birefringent acuteness indicates the administration of alignment. (B) Afterwards 10 weeks of in vitro culture, alongside bilayers independent coaligned intralamellar collagen aural anniversary lamella. (C) Opposing bilayers independent intralamellar collagen accumbent forth two opposing directions, auspiciously replicating the gross cilia acclimatization of (D) built-in bovine annulus fibrosus.Reproduced with permission from [112].
Although some advance was bogus appear the development of nanofiber scaffolds for AF regeneration, the studies were bound to in vitro investigations. AF has several concentric lamellae of collagen fibers active at angles of about 60–80° to the vertical axis.[115] This multiscale structural bureaucracy needs to be captured by nanofiber scaffolds in the future. IVD is comprised of AF, NP and cartilage end plates. Perhaps a bigger architectonics for scaffolds could abide of a combinatorial access that can accommodate hydrogel systems with electrospun nanofibers to absolutely epitomize the built-in architectonics of IVD.[116] Added efforts should be adherent to testing developed nanofiber scaffolds for IVD about-face in vivo.
As the rotator belt bond inserts into the adjacent humerus, there is a bit-by-bit alteration amid the four zones at the absolute tendon-to-bone insertion: tendon, nonmineralized fibrocartilage, mineralized fibrocartilage and bone. None of the accepted adjustment strategies carbon this accustomed capricious zone, which leads to accent concentrations that abate the healed tendon-to-bone admittance site, majorly accidental to the aerial abortion ante observed.[117] The accent concentrations are mainly attributed to the automated conflict amid the tendon, a bendable tissue with a modulus of 200 MPa, and bone, with a modulus of 20 GPa, one of the better automated mismatches in nature.[118] There are two actualization at the tendon-to-bone admittance site: bit-by-bit alignment in collagen cilia acclimatization and a beeline acclivity in mineral agreeable from the bond to the bone. Therefore, a arch presenting these two characteristics would be ideal for abbreviation the concentrated bounded accent and acclimation the abrasion at the tendon-to-bone admittance site. Accordingly, ample efforts should be bogus to advance nanofiber scaffolds that could actor both the anatomy and/or agreement of the the tendon-to-bone admittance site.[119]
Here, we highlight the nanofiber scaffolds that accept been afresh advised for the surgical assay of rotator belt abrasion in assorted beastly models. Figure 9A shows that a nanofiber arch absolute accidental poly(glycolic acid) nanofibers was activated to arch the gap amid the infraspinatus bond humerus cartilage in a rabbit.[120] Figure 9B shows that accession blazon of arch bogus of accumbent PCL and PCL/poly(ethylene oxide) nanofiber were acclimated to augment supraspinatus in rats.[121] Afterwards supraspinatus bond acknowledgment and detachment, scaffolds were built-in appliance a simple bury by suturing forth the antecedent and after borders of the arch and supraspinatus tendon. The supraspinatus bond was again repaired aback to greater tuberosity. In adjustment to actor the agreement at the cartilage site, Moffat et al. developed a biphasic nanofiber arch composed of two layers of cilia membranes, and again built-in them into the rat accept (Figure 9C).[122] In this rat accept abrasion and adjustment model, the supraspinatus bond was acutely alone at the admittance site, fibrocartilage at the admittance armpit was removed and the awkward brand was abraded to actor the analytic scenario. The arch was amid amid the cancellous cartilage and distal end of the alone tendon. The bond was sutured to bone. None of these scaffolds could epitomize either the structural alignment of collagen fibers or compositions in the millimeter-sized capricious area at the tendon-to-bone admittance site, which could partly aspect to the poor anatomic recovery, such as compromised automated performance. In adjustment to actor the agreement at the admittance site, Li et al. developed a continuously graded, bonelike calcium phosphate-coated electrospun PLGA nanofiber scaffold.[123] The mineral agreeable acclivity resulted in anatomic consequences, such as a acclivity in the acerbity throughout the scaffold. Recently, Xie et al. auspiciously bogus an electrospun PCL nanofiber arch with gradations in cilia organization.[45] Additionally, Xie et al. controlled biomineralization of PCL nanofibers appliance polydopamine as a mediator. Based on these studies, Xie et al. accept advised a nanofiber arch with bifold gradations in both cilia alignment and mineral content, and approved the achievability of assuming article of such a arch to the rotator belt abrasion armpit appliance a adapted rat accept abrasion and adjustment archetypal (Figure 9D).[124] Specifically, the supraspinatus was alone acutely at its admittance on the greater appendage of the humerus. A 0.5-mm assignment aperture was again bogus beyond at the base, creating a approach for the arch with an avenue aperture on the adjacent crabbed humeral metadiaphyseal region. Afterward abutment of the arch to the undersurface of the supraspinatus, the tendon–scaffold assemble was again anchored to the humeral arch birthmark appliance the 5–0 prolene abutment anchored at the crabbed case of the humerus. The cilia arch was accepted to serve as a affix to accommodate automated stability, and a arrangement to adapt corpuscle action and advance the healing process. Approaching studies will be directed adjoin histological assay of tissue about-face and anatomic accretion tests. In addition, accumulation arbor corpuscle analysis with such scaffolds could be benign to the healing of rotator belt injury, as arbor beef could differentiate into assorted corpuscle types at altered arch portions (i.e., bond fibroblasts at bond site, osteoblast at cartilage armpit and fibrochondrocytes in between).
Figure 9.
State-of-the-art nanofiber scaffolds for acclimation rotator belt abrasion in vivo.(A) The arch (5-mm amplitude and 5-mm length) composed of accidental poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanofibers was acclimated to arch the gap amid the infraspinatus bond and humerus in a aerial rotator belt abrasion model. (B) The arch composed of accumbent poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofiber scaffolds was built-in at the armpit amid the supraspinatus bond and humerus in a rat rotator belt abrasion model. (C) The biphasic nanofiber arch composed of an accumbent PLGA nanofiber band and a PLGA–hydroxylapatite blended nanofiber band was amid amid the cartilage and the alone bond for commutual rotator belt adjustment in a rat rotator belt abrasion model. (D) The poly(ε-caprolactone) nanofiber arch with bifold gradations in cilia alignment and mineral agreeable was acclimated to adjustment rotator belt abrasion in a rat accept archetypal by inserting the mineral end into the cartilage adit and suturing the accumbent end to the tendon.Reproduced with permission from [120–121].
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