OIC: 915-568-5491XO: 915-742-9387NCOIC: 915-568-3928E-Mail: [email protected]: Architecture 60, Doniphan Rd, Fort Bliss, Texas 79916
MissionThe Fort Beatitude Soldier Resilience and Abode Center (SRRC) mission is to conduct able deployment abode processing to accustomed in a chump affable environment.
Points of ContactMED CMDCommander: 915-742-6801XO: 915-742-9382MED Noncombatant Armpit Manager: 915-742-6097
Prerequisites• Soldiers charge be in ACU, OCP or APFT compatible to action through the SRRC (BLDG 60 or 887).• Soldiers cannot accompany backpacks, gerbers, knives and/or accoutrements into the building.• All Soldiers are appropriate to be at SRRC (BLDG 60 or 887) 30 account above-mentioned to their alpha time.• All (Active Duty/NG/R) Soldiers Deploying/Mobilizing charge complete their PDHA (DD2795) and SGLI above-mentioned to advancing to SRRC (BLDG 60 or 887).• All (Active Duty/NG/R) Soldiers ReDeploying/Demobilizing charge complete their PDHA (DD2796) above-mentioned to advancing to SRRC (BLDG 60 or 887).• All (Active Duty/NG/R) Soldiers charge complete their PDHRA (DD2900) (Part 1) 180 canicule afterwards Demobilizing.• PHA is done in BLDG 60 for NG/R Soldiers ONLY. Active assignment Soldiers charge do their PHA at their Troop Medical Clinic.• PHA and PDHRA is amid on your AKO beneath “My Medical Abode Status.”• If Active Assignment Soldiers are backward for briefings, they charge reschedule with their BDE S-1 for a afterwards date and time. For NG/R Soldiers, they charge acquaintance their admired Mobilization Branch personnel. Any added questions, amuse alarm or email SRRC Schedulers: 915-568-5816 / 915-568-5196.
Medical Requirements for Mobilizing PersonnelActive duty, ARNG, and USAR Soldiers charge accept accompanying deployment orders or as abiding announcement for awaiting deployment abode processing in adjustment to be candy through the medical sections of the SRRC site.
MOBILIZING PERSONNEL:CENTCOM AOR: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Seychelles, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.COCOM: Specific requirements will be followed depending on deployment destination. Anniversary COCOM has specific Force Bloom Protection Guidelines.Medical Requirements:1. Yearly PHA (physical bloom assessment) charge be accustomed aural 12 months of deployment.2. Civilians over age 35 and soldiers over 40 charge accept an EKG and Lipid console fatigued with after-effects aural bristles years of deployment. Appropriate for deployment and PHA.3. Women’s Abode should fit the belief of the Women’s Abode Guidelines. Pap apply should be aural six months of flight date.4. HIV analysis after-effects aural 90 canicule of deployment (flight date).5. Copies of any Profiles (DA 3349), MMRB/MEB after-effects and/or waivers.6. Medical records.7. DD Anatomy 2215 E or DD Anatomy 2216 E (Reference Audiogram). Accredit to audiology section.8. Do not appear with abiding 3 or 4 profiles unless you accept been austere by a MMRB/MEB and accustomed a fit for assignment letter or abandonment above-mentioned to accession at Fort Beatitude or you will be REFRAD.9. Civilians will be appropriate to accept a Concrete Exam aural one year of deployment and should not expire during the deployment. Advice is to accept the concrete aural 90 canicule of the alpha of a one year deployment. The alone class requirements are listed below, Lipids based on age, G6PD, Claret Type, Serum sample and abundance testing.
Non-Deployable:A account of all non-deployable diagnoses and their severity would be too all-encompassing to account here. Amuse accredit to COCOM, specific Force Bloom Protection Guidelines such as CENTCOM MOD 12, Women’s Abode Guidelines (OTSG/MEDCOM Policy Memo 09-002), Cadre Policy Advice for Oversees Contingency Operations (PPG) Chapter 7, October 14, 2009 and Deployment –Limiting Psychiatric Conditions Policy 09-047 June 25, 2009.
Audiology:Refence – AR 40-501, Chapter 11-4, Breadth G.1. Need accurate DD Anatomy 2215-E (Reference Audiogram) or DD2216-E (Hearing Conservation Data) recorded in DOEHRS-HC and exported to DOEHRS-DR aural nine months of accession at the Soldier Resilience and Abode Center.2. The DD Anatomy 2215-E (Reference Audiogram) or DD Anatomy 2216-E forms charge accept automatic results; free-typed and handwritten after-effects will not be accustomed and the analysis will be re-administered. After-effects on DD Anatomy 2808 (Record of Medical Examination) or MEPS will not be accepted.3. H-2: Cadre articular as an H-2 charge accept an Audiologic Appraisal by a accountant Audiologist or Audiology Specialist (MD, DO, NP, PA, etc. not acceptable). If H-2 is accepted SM charge accept a current, abiding DA Anatomy 3349 (Profile) with a “J1” code. Both the appraisal and contour are accurate for bristles years from the date of exam/issue however, SM charge additionally abide anniversary testing.4. H-3: Cadre articular as an H-3 charge accept an Audiologic Appraisal and Speech Recognition In Noise Test/Hearing In Noise Analysis (SPRINT/HINT) by a accountant Audiologist or Audiology Specialist (MD, DO, NP, PA, etc. not acceptable). If H-3 is accepted SM charge abide a MAR2 Board (Fit for Duty) and accept a current, abiding DA Anatomy 3349 (Profile) with a “W” or “Y” code. Both the appraisal and contour are accurate for bristles years from the date of exam/issue however, SM charge additionally abide anniversary testing.5. Cadre acute any of the aloft listed items will be activated on-site.6. WBAMC and the SRRC Audiology Department strive for a best three day availability for all appointments. Be brash this is not consistently feasible. SM’s defective any of the corresponding above items/documentation may be appropriate to acknowledgment for aftereffect testing and/or accessories appropriately dabbling the SM in their corresponding action and in some cases actuality captivated under/over. Units should strive to boldness ALL audition issues above-mentioned to accession at the Soldier Resilience and Abode Center.
Laboratory Requirements:1. HIV Requirements: ALL Aggressive personnel/DOD cadre MUST accept a accustomed HIV (within 90 canicule of FLY OUT DATE). Account members/DOD cadre charge accept affidavit that HIV/Serum Sample was fatigued with accurate results. If done elsewhere, after-effects charge be annotated in AHLTA.2. Serum Sample: A serum sample will be fatigued aural 365 canicule of deployment. If a Serum Sample was fatigued elsewhere, after-effects charge be annotated in AHLTA.3. Upon acknowledgment from any OCONUS Re-Deployment/Demobilization, all aggressive and DOD cadre will accept Serum Sample drawn.4. G6PD: Glucose-6-Phosphate-Dehydrogenase is a class analysis that screens a accommodating for G6PD absence afore decree for Anti-Malarial medication is given.5. All aggressive cadre and DOD cadre will be activated for G6PD deficiency.6. PREGNANCY TEST: Females processing through the SRRC armpit are appropriate to accept a abundance analysis done if Mobilizing/Deploying 30 canicule above-mentioned to their FLY OUT date or 72 hours above-mentioned to accepting a alive virus vaccinations (smallpox, MMR, varicella, etc).7. If a changeable has had a bi-lateral tubal ligation, hysterectomy, or is post-menopausal, the abundance analysis will be waived if the woman completes/certifies on DA anatomy 4700 that she is not able to become pregnant.8. DNA: A DNA sample will be done at the SRRC armpit if one is not already on book at the Armed Forces DNA Repository.9. Claret Type: A claret blazon sample will be fatigued at the SRRC armpit if you are blind of your claret blazon and if adequate affidavit of your claret blazon is not presented. Adequate affidavit of a claret blazon would be a Red Cross donor card, a lab aftereffect for an ABO-Rh, or a anachronous draw with your claret blazon central your medical record.
Immunization Requirements:These requirements are for all cadre abased on breadth of operation back processing through the SRRC.1. Hepatitis A: This is a two-part series: day 0 and six months later.
2. Hepatitis B: This is a three-part series: day 0, 30 canicule afterwards aboriginal attempt and bristles months afterwards additional shot.3. Twinrix: (combination Hep. A and Hep. B) three-part series: day 0, 30 canicule afterwards aboriginal attempt and bristles months afterwards additional shot.4. MMR charge accept two developed doses accurate or affirmation of actuality medically immune.5. Polio: Accustomed one time over the age of 18 years.6. Tetanus/Diphtheria: Aural the aftermost 10 years.7. Tetanus Diphtheria Acellular Pertussis: Aural the aftermost 10 years or bristles years afterwards accepting Tetanus Diphtheria to accommodate amnesty for Pertussis.8. Tuberculin Bark Test: Alone appropriate for at accident patients based on screening questionnaire. All MPs assigned to bondman operations should accept pre-post deployment TB bark testing. 30 canicule from abrogation AOR, and three to six months afterwards redeployment with affidavit of apprehend results.9. Smallpox: Alone appropriate for specific locations per COCOM guidance. Aural 10 years. Not accustomed to cadre over age 64.10. Typhoid: Aural the aftermost two years for cadre activity to assertive areas of operation. (Oral Typhoid: aural the aftermost bristles years for cadre activity to assertive AOs)11. Influenza: Once amid October and June every year.12. Influenza Intranasal: Once a year amid October and June. Alone accustomed to cadre beneath the age of 50 with no contraindications.13. Anthrax: At this time it is binding for all cadre deploying to CENTCOM Arab Peninsula Region – is not accustomed to 65 and older: http://www.anthrax.osd.mil14. Alone appropriate for specific locations per COCOM guidance. Yellow Fever: Aural the aftermost 10 years.15. Varicella: Two-part alternation acute two developed doses or affirmation of actuality medically immune.
• If you accept started but accept not completed Hep A, Hep B, Twinrix or the Anthrax immunizations and accept proof, you will not restart the series.
• If you accept had a absolute acknowledgment from the Tuberculin bark test, and it has been documented, you will not accept another.• SMALLPOX you will be evaluated by a provider at the SRRC armpit for the smallpox vaccine. If you are able to accept the vaccine you will be accustomed accounting instructions as to how to booty affliction of the vaccine. For added advice on Smallpox: www.vaccines.mil/Smallpox; www.vaccines.mil; or you can arrangement the CDC web armpit at www.cdc.gov.
Please chase the instructions CAREFULLY:Documentation of immunizations is necessary. If you don’t accept affidavit you will accept your vaccines afresh no exceptions. Ensure you accompany your attempt almanac whenever you appear to the SRRC site.
1. SM charge not abrasion acquaintance lenses.2. SM charge accompany their best accustomed decree lenses to abrasion and use for a Visual Acuity Test.3. SM charge accept a accustomed accounting decree for glasses in their possession. If not available, accepted lenses can be acclimated for acclimation purposes.4. SM appropriate to accompany a letter from Doctor if SM had contempo eye anaplasty or any ocular trauma.5. To accommodated the requirements, all cadre (civilian and military) charge be at atomic 20/40 eyes in both eyes. If not, an arrangement will be fabricated thru the SRRC providers to be apparent by an optometrist.6. Anniversary actuality should accept in their control two (civilian or military) pairs of glasses, gas affectation inserts, and ballistic eyewear inserts. Cadre that do not accommodated these standards will be referred to WBAMC Optometry Clinic.
Patient Administration:LOD -During mobilization units charge admit and complete LODs for their Soldiers. Without bright affirmation that supports LOD requirements the SRRC will not be able to complete the LOD. It is acute that units not alone actualize an ambiance that affords Soldiers the befalling to seek medical affliction but that it additionally acts anon if affairs crave a LOD. LODs should be candy application the eLOD module. Limited or no eLOD admission should not anticipate LODs from actuality initiated, units should advance the assemblage rear disengagement to upload and action if necessary. If during the RSRP action medical agents actuate a LOD is appropriate and has not been accomplished by the unit, the Soldier will be referred to the PAD section. The PAD breadth will use acknowledging medical affidavit and the account member’s orders in adjustment to complete the DA anatomy 2173 and LOD memorandum. Formal LOD’s cannot be candy through the SRRC.Medical Records: During the pre-mobilization action units should adapt DD Anatomy 2766s for anniversary Soldier. The pertinent capacity of the DD Anatomy 2766 are discussed at the assemblage mobilization armpit visit. Questions can be referred to the SRRC Medical Annal Room at 915-742-9447. Preparation of the DD Anatomy 2766 with the pertinent capacity will facilitate an able SRP as able-bodied as ensure the advice is accessible for chain of affliction while mobilized. The assemblage should accelerate the able DD Anatomy 2766s with all capacity to Fort Beatitude 30 canicule above-mentioned to its appointed Fort Beatitude SRP. The commitment abode is: Mobilization and Deployment Division, DPTMS, Attn: MOBTEAM, 1733 Pleasonton Road, Fort Bliss, Texas 79916 (include a DA 200 and byname agenda for anniversary box set). PAD includes the MedPros and Medical Final Out stations, amuse accredit any questions pertaining to those areas to the PAD Breadth NCOIC at 915-742-6857.
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